Case Studies

Across campus, people are finding creative ways to use the bConnected Services to make their work faster and more efficient. Read the case studies below to learn how.

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Intercollegiate Athletics uses Box to store and review game footage, making it easier for coaches and student athletes to access and see video that can improve tennis players’ games.

The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology is using Box to digitally archive, search, and share historical documents such as manuscripts, correspondence, receipts, and notebooks.

The Graduate Student Instructor Teaching & Resource Center uses Box to store Oral Proficiency Tests (OPTs), videotaped tests taken by graduate students who do not speak English as a native language and who must demonstrate their oral English proficiency before they can be appointed to teach at Berkeley.

Arts Research Center (ARC), Biology Scholars Program (BSP), and Berkeley Law are using Google Forms to save time and improve workflow.

California Linguistics Archive is using Box to house historical materials — including field notebooks, video and audio recordings, and PDFs — that span the last 100 years.