Alumni Opt-in Process

Eligible Alumni include:

  1. Former students are eligible to opt-in during your grace period
  2. If you are an alum and also a recently separated employee, you can opt-in during your employee grace period

Steps to Opt-in:

  1. Review the new Alumni Email Service Level Agreement (SLA) and accept the terms when you complete the next step.

  2. Opt in to your alumni email account (Must login using Google account using CalNet ID & passphrase)
    NOTE: The "Opt in to your alumni email account" form is NOT intended for ACTIVE students, faculty, or staff who are also alumni.  This opt-in ONLY applies to people who have no other eligibility for email services other than as an alum.
  3. Prevent data loss for current university personnel including faculty, staff, and students

  4. Reduce your overall storage in your Google account below 5 GB

What address do I use to login when I opt-in?

  1. Login to Google using the email address provided in the To: field of messages sent to you about this change.
  2. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase when presented with the CalNet Authentication Service page.
    1. The part before the @ symbol in the To: field of this message is your CalNet ID
    2. You can Reset Passphrase if you can no longer remember it.
  3. Check the Email section of your Google profile to see all of your alternate email addresses.

Alumni with active email accounts may continue use of that account provided they complete the following:

Alumni will need to log in to their Google account in a web browser using their CalNet credentials every 6 months to meet the activity requirement. Using the Gmail app and third party email clients also count as activity, but that activity can only be tracked for 30 days. Other types of activity like forwarding email to another account or using auto-reply messages do not register as activity.

  • Alumni will be notified at both their email and their listed recovery email after 4 months & 5 months of inactivity.
  • If this requirement is not met, the email account will be deemed inactive and permanently disabled.
  • The earliest date any account may be disabled is October 15, 2025.