Create a SPA account

Create a SPA account

A Special Purpose Account (or SPA) is a shared CalNet ID used for collaboration and sharing of designated systems and platforms at UC Berkeley. 

SPAs, their contents/data, and the shared email account (if a SPA-owned Google account is created) are owned by the institution and your primary department.

To create a SPA account, you must be an active employee of UC Berkeley. 

  1. Navigate to and log in with your CalNet ID and passphrase.
  2. Select “Create New SPA” in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the desired name of your SPA following these suggested naming conventions. If the name is “example”, your SPA’s name/CalNet ID will be “spa-example”.

  4. Select "Yes" and then click “Create SPA”.

  5. You will receive an email confirmation once your SPA has been created.

To learn how to manage the direct membership of your SPA, visit Managing SPA Membership in CalGroups

If you want to use your SPA account to create a SPA-owned, shared Google account, see Create a SPA-owned Google account. You need to do this in order to use the SPA for email, Google services, or Box.

Steps to create and manage Google Shared Drives

We have a set of Video Tutorials about Shared Drives and how to move your content into them. These will cover everything you need to know. It should take about 30 minutes to watch all of them.

Info: Overview of Shared Drives

Info: Find your Shared Drive Usage

Info: My Drive vs. Shared drives vs. Shared with me

How-to: Create a Shared Drive and manage Members

How-to: Moving content into a Shared drive