Alumni Email Service

What is the Alumni email service?

The Alumni Email Service provides eligible alumni with a email address. Email addresses are currently provided to eligible alumni using the same Google Workspace for Education account that they used as students. 

How can I keep my Berkeley email?

To opt in, you’ll need to do three things before the end of your grace period, which is 274 days from graduation. (If you are an alum and also a recently separated employee, you can opt-in during your employee grace period.)

  1. Review the updated Berkeley Alumni Email Service Level Agreement

  2. Complete the alumni email account opt-in form

  3. Reduce your overall storage in your Google account below 5 GB

Note that you must keep your Google Storage usage under 5 GB and log in to the account in a web browser at least once in a 6-month period to retain uninterrupted access to your account. (see below)

Alumni Email Activity Requirement

Alumni with active email accounts may continue use of that account provided they complete the following:

  1. Log in to the account in a web browser at least once in a 6-month period (see restrictions below)
  2. Keep their storage quota below 5GB
  3. Adhere to all CalNet requirements.

If these requirements are not met, the email account will be deemed inactive and permanently disabled.

Before an account is disabled, warning emails will be sent to the email address and the listed recovery email.

NOTE: Reading email via mobile and desktop apps (e.g. Gmail App, Apple Mail, Outlook) or forwarding email without accessing the account directly in a web browser does not fulfill the login requirement.

Logging in

Regardless of what address you are using, all email accounts are hosted in Google and require a CalNet ID and passphrase to login. If necessary, you can Reset Passphrase

Cancel my alumni account

If you no longer want to keep a email account, cancel your alumni email account.

Things to consider as you are leaving UC Berkeley

  • Content in your Google My Drive might need to be transferred to someone at UC Berkeley.

  • Identify files that should be transferred to researchers or departments where you worked as a former student or employee.
  • Consult these Google instructions to learn how to make someone else the owner of your file.
  • Ask if your researcher or department has a Google Shared Drive where you could move content and easily transfer ownership.

Reduce your storage, transfer ownership, or take it with you

If you are currently using more than 5 GB of Google Storage, you will need to reduce your storage usage before the end of your grace period. 

  • You can check how much storage you are using in your Google account by clicking on Storage from within your Google Drive. That will take you to Note that your Google Drive storage includes content in Drive, Photos, and Email. 

  • If you need help reducing your content, visit our tips for how to reduce your Google storage

  • Transfer ownership of your files to someone at UC Berkeley whenever appropriate.

  • If you would like to migrate your personal email or Drive content out of your Berkeley account and into a personal Gmail account, you may want to consider using Google Takeout, Google Takeout Transfer, or VaultMe

    • Note that we are unable to assist you in these migrations and Google does not provide help for Takeout, so you may want to consider using VaultMe as they will provide support.

What if I'm not a recent grad? Do I have an Alumni account?