New User Experience for bConnected Management Tools

May 12, 2017

The bConnected team will launch MybConnected, the new modern and simplified self-service application for managing bConnected accounts and lists on May 31, 2017. Users will be able to add aliases, manage their contact display preference, and create/delete/update ownership of their mailing lists. Here's a sneak peak of the user interface:


Visit mybconnected to manage your bConnected Account and Lists, as well update related Google Settings.    

bConnected Management Tools Homepage.png


From your Account you can manage your Aliases or Contact Display Preference.

Manage Accounts Page.png

Click ADD NEW ALIAS to add an alternate email address associated with your primary account. Enter the name you’d like and click ADD

Add Alias.png
Click UPDATE CONTACT DISPLAY PREFERENCE if you’d like to change the way your contact information displays to other bConnected users in Google.

Change contact display preference.png


From your Lists you can create a new list, transfer/delete a list, or manage your Google Groups settings.

Create List.png

To create a new list, click CREATE NEW LIST. A pop-up will open. Type the name of the list, and review the default settings before clicking CREATE LIST

Create new list.png

Once the list is created, any list settings/permissions will be managed within the Google Groups interface. (Note: you will own the list, but the “owner role in Google has been disabled. Owner functionality is handled within the mybconnected interface).