bConnected Lists Reaches a Milestone: over 1,000 Lists Migrated!

May 9, 2016

We have reached a milestone in our transition to bConnected Lists: over 1000 lists have been migrated! As of today, we have 1178 lists migrated since the process began on April 27th. We hope to continue at this pace for the next 1000 lists as we get closer to our goal of having all active lists transitioned by December 20th. As you familiarize yourself with the Google interface, remember to check posting permissions, since the default is different than Mailman. Also, keep in mind that subdomain lists will be migratable in late June.

If you have questions, please attend our upcoming bConnected Lists Drop-in sessions (reservations not required)

  • May 16, 1:30-3:30pm in University Hall, Room 28

  • June 6, 1:30-3:30pm in University Hall, Room 28

Learn more:

Four Helpful Tips for bConnected List Managers