Alumni Email Changes

Alumni Renewal Process

Eligible Alumni include:

  1. Former students are eligible to renew during your grace period
  2. If you are an alum and also a recently separated employee, you can renew during your employee grace period

Steps to Renew:

  1. Review the new Alumni Email Service Level Agreement (SLA) for 2024 and accept the terms when you complete the next step.
  2. Renew your alumni email account (Must login using Google account using CalNet ID & passphrase)
    NOTE: The "Renew your alumni email account" form is NOT intended for ACTIVE students, faculty, or staff who are also alumni.  This renewal ONLY applies to people who have no other eligibility for email services other than as an alum.
  3. Prevent data loss for current university personnel including faculty, staff, and students

  4. Reduce your overall storage in your Google account below 5 GB*

*You must keep your Google Storage usage under 5 GB and renew your account annually to retain uninterrupted access to your account.

What address do I use to login when I renew?

  1. Login to Google using the email address provided in the To: field of messages sent to you about this change.
  2. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase when presented with the CalNet Authentication Service page.
    1. The part before the @ symbol in the To: field of this message is your CalNet ID
    2. You can Reset Passphrase if you can no longer remember it.
  3. Check the Email section of your Google profile to see all of your alternate email addresses.

Reduce Google Storage

Check how much storage you are using

To know how much space you are using, go to Your storage usage includes your email, Google Photos, and Drive.

Prevent loss of data or files! 

To prevent any unintended loss of your institutional data, we urge you to review the content stored in your Google Drive. Identify any critical documents and follow the steps outlined on the guide found here to ensure continued access and protection.

Reduce your content quickly

The top 3 things you can do right now to reduce your Google account storage:

Migrate your content

Alumni will have two options for migrating content from their Google account in order to reduce their use of Google storage to under 5 GB.

  • Self-Service Content Transfer Options: Using Google Takeout or Takeout Transfer (suitable for lower amounts of content, ideally 50 GB or less)

  • Full-Service Content Transfer using VaultMe. (Up to $50 subsidy available)

  • Note that both of these options create and move a copy of your content. You will still need to go back to your account and transfer ownership or delete your content in order to reduce your storage. 

Changes to Berkeley’s Alumni Email Service Announced

On Mar 6, 2024, alumni who have an active Google account were sent the following notification about the changes coming to email services they receive as a Berkeley alum including the steps they will need to take to retain uninterrupted access to their Google account.

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